Indian Railways Station Codes | Image Resource :
Indian Railways is a huge organization with more than one lakh employees working for it and operating more than two thousand trains a day. There are a lot of passengers depend upon Indian Railways services for their local and outstation travel needs. Indian Railways offer more customized options now for the passengers of all classes, which makes it the favorite choice of people from all walks of life.
Indian Railways station codes
The passengers who book tickets for Indian Railways now can do it effectively through online. For this, it is beneficial to know the Indian Railways station codes so that one can easily search for trains between stations and also the details of boarding and alighting stations.
Indian Railways had given a unique station code to each railway station. The codes are usually three letter or four letter codes, which abbreviates the place name of the station. There are nearly eight thousand stations under Indian Railways and each station has such a code. As there are many cities and towns in India which have similar names, these unique station codes help us exactly distinguish between these places. Learn more about Indian Railways Station Codes on
A few examples for stations codes are like AHA – Abhaipur, AYU - Abhayapuri Asam, ABS – Abohar, AH - Achhnera Junction, ADD - Adas Road, ADVI – Adavali, ADQ – Adhikari, ADST - Adi Saptagram, ADB - Adilabad, ADF – Adina, AI – Adipur, ADTP – Adityapur, ADRA - Adra Junction, AGTL – Agartala, AGD – Agasod, AWP – Aghwanpur, AGY - Agori Khas, AGC - Agra Cantt etc.
Usually in the train tickets, you may be seeing such abbreviated railway station codes. In order to check for railway station codes, the easiest way is make use of the online portals. The official railway portal has the reference for all these station codes and there are many other websites also featuring railway station codes.